

Candidates for the Graduate Program in Applied Meteorology should be aware of the Selection Notice that will is available on this homepage before signing up for the online system.

International candidates will also be submitted to the norms established in the public Selection Notice for the selection process. However, those who wish to apply for a scholarship must be aware of the Manual PEC-PG and the current calls and then send documentation (curriculum, diploma, academic transcript and work plan) to the e-mail of the Graduate Program (, informing your intention. If accepted, you will be granted a vacancy for the next public Selection Notice to be opened. Applicants must register in the online system only after the issuance of the acceptance letter, unless you wish to apply for the vacancies made available to the other candidates.

Applications are accepted according to the issuance of public Selection Notice, which generally occurs from April to May (for programs starting in second semester – August) and from August to September (for programs starting in the first semester of the following year – March).

Applications for the selection process must be carried out through the internet, at All information about the application process, including documentation, payment and other procedures, is available at this website.

The selection process will consist of proof of knowledge of Mathematics, Physics and English, to be carried out online, and analysis of the documentation required, as stated in the announcement published by the Graduate Program. The UFV and the Graduate Program are not responsible for faults in the media, except for problems in the UFV network on the day and at the time scheduled for the test.

The curriculum should be presented according to the Lattes format, accompanied by the standardized curriculum evaluation model. Only the activities related to the evaluation model to be completed by the candidate must be proven. Indications of the documents included in the evaluation model should be duly numbered in both the Lattes curriculum and the supporting documentation. All documentation must be scanned and submitted in the application system. Curriculum unaccompanied by the evaluation form will not be analyzed. Candidates must fill out the spreadsheet with the marks, according to the score established for curricular evaluation. The marks will be checked by the Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program.

The classification in the selection process will be based on the sum of the scores of the items evaluated in the curriculum and the grade obtained in the knowledge test. The results of the selection process will be informed by e-mail and on the homepage of the Graduate Program. After disclosure of the result, candidates who do not agree with their notes will have three (3) business days to speak and request a review. Only revisions requested by the candidates themselves will be accepted.

After the final classification has been published, the processes will be forwarded to the supervisors for analysis and expression of interest by the candidates, based on the proposed Work Plan and the fulfillment of the required profile in the vacancy offered.

The evaluation of the Work Plan is eliminatory in the selection process. The proposal of the Work Plan should be presented in a clear and objective manner and be consistent with the lines of research and with the themes described in the Selection Notice. The proposal should be 3-5 pages maximum. The proposal will have an objective evaluation made by the responsible advisor, being evaluated as apt or not to the offered vacancy.

The final selection will be approved by the Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program and will strictly follow the norms established in the effective Selection Notice.

The Program guarantees the provision of scholarships to all selected students (eligible to receive them), according to the availability of quotas from Brazilian funding agencies. The granting of the scholarship implies full time and exclusive dedication to the Graduate Program and compulsory residence in Viçosa, MG, except when research is conducted in another location.

Approved applicants whose advisor provides a scholarship from a research project or candidates who obtain their own scholarship outside the Program’s quota can enter, regardless of the classification, provided that the scholarship is sufficient for the entire duration of the course.

Appeals may be filed, in compliance with the Stricto Sensu Graduate Regiment and the General Regiment of the UFV. No appeals will be accepted in case of non-compliance with the rules of the public Selection Notice or lack of supporting documentation.

When candidates apply, it implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions established in the public Selection Notice and the selection criteria specific to this Graduate Program, to which they cannot claim ignorance.

Applications lacking information or mandatory documentation will not be approved by the Programs.


CAPES Periódicos remote access options

Five steps to know the impact factor of a Journal

System use tutorial for the online test

Selection Notice


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meteorologia Aplicada
Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola – Sala 107
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Fone: +55 31 3612 4006, 3612 4001 and 3612 4002

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados